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Come Back to Earth 가사 해석 - Mac Miller (맥 밀러)

by 카네기 2020. 3. 10.

서서히 빠져들게 만드는

오묘한 가수 맥 밀러

그의 죽음이 너무나 안타깝습니다.




My regrets looked just like text I shouldn't send

내 후회들은 보내지 말아야 할 문자처럼 보여

And I got neighbors, they're more like strangers

이웃이 있지만, 그들이 더 낯선 사람들 같아


We could be friends

우린 친구가 될 수 있었을텐데

I just need a way out of my head

복잡한 머리에서 벗어날 필요가 있어

I'll do anything for a way out Of my head

머릿속에서빠져나올 수 있다면 뭐든지 하겠어


In my own way,

내 안에서는, 

just feel like living Some alternate reality

마치 다른 현실에 살고 있는 것 같아

And I was just drowning,

난 혼란스러웠고,

but now I'm swimming

이제 난 헤엄을 쳐가고 있어

Through stressful waters to relief

숨 막히던곳에서 안도의 곳으로


Drowning : 익사하는; 혼란한, 이해할 수 없는


Oh, All the things I'd do

To spend a little time in hell

지옥에서 시간을 보내기 위해 한 모든 일들

And what I won't tell you

그리고 너에게 하지 않은 말은

I prolly never even tell myself

내 자신에게 조차 말하지 않을 거야


And don't you know that sunshine don't feel right

When you inside all day

하루 종일집에만 있을 때, 

햇빛이 낯설다는걸 아니

I wish it was nice out, but it looked like rain

바깥 날씨가 좋길 바라지만, 비가 올 것 같아

Grey skies and I'm drifting, not living forever

흐린 하늘 그리고 난 표류하고 있고, 영원할 순 없어

They told me it only gets better

다들 내게 괜찮아질 거라고만 말해


My regrets looked just like text I shouldn't send

내 후회들은 보내지 말아야 할 문자처럼 보여


And I got neighbors, they're more like strangers

이웃이 있지만, 그들이 더 낯설게 느껴져


We could be friends

우린 친구가 될 수 있었을텐데


I just need a way out of my head

복잡한 머리에서 벗어날 필요가 있어


I'll do anything for a way out Of my head

머릿속에서빠져나올 수 있다면 뭐든지 하겠어
