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A Whole New World 가사/해석/알라딘 ost

by 카네기 2019. 10. 6.





I can show you the world

Shining, shimmering, splendid

난 당신에게 반짝이고, 희미하게 빛나는,  아름다운

이 세상을 보여줄 수 있어요 

Tell me, princess, 

말해 봐요, 공주님, 

Now when did you last let your heart decide?

언제 마지막으로 당신의 마음이 이끄는 대로 결정했는지


* shimmering: 희미하게 빛나다, (일렁이는 듯한) 희미한 빛


I can open your eyes

전 당신의 눈을 뜨게 할 수 있어요

Take you wonder by wonder

당신을 놀라움의 연속인 곳으로 데려다 줄께요

Over sideways and under On a magic carpet ride

마법의 양탄자를 타고 이리저리 자유롭게 날아다니면서


A whole new world

완전히 새로운 세상

A new fantastic point of view

처음 보는 환상적인 풍경

No one to tell us “No”

어느 누구도 우리에게 안 된다고 말하거나

Or where to go

어디로 가라고 하거나

Or say we’re only dreaming

너희는 그저 꿈꾸고 있는거라 말하지 않아요


A whole new world

완전히 새로운 세상

A dazzling place l never knew

내가 알지 못했던 눈부신 곳

But when I’m way up here

아주 높이 올라왔을 때

It’s crystal clear

that now l’m in a whole new world with you

이 새로운 세상에 당신과 함께 있다는 것이 

너무나 분명해졌어요


Now I’m in a whole new world with you

이제 나는 이 새로운 세상에 당신과 함께 있어요

Unbelievable sights

믿을 수 없는 광경

Indescribable feeling

말로 설명할 수 없는 감정

Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling

날아오르고, 떨어지고, 자유롭게 달려요

Through an endless diamond sky

끝없이 빛나는 하늘을 향해서


A whole new world

완전히 새로운 세상

(Don’t you dare close your eyes)

눈 감지 말아요

A hundred thousand things to see

볼 수 있는 수많은 것들

(Hold your breath – it gets better)

숨을 참으면 괜찮아질 거에요

I’m like a shooting star

마치 별똥별이 된 것 같아

I’ve come so far

너무 멀리 와버려서

I can’t go back to where I used to be

예전에 있던 곳으로 돌아갈 수 없어요


A whole new world

완전히 새로운 세상

(Every turn a surprise)

어디를 봐도 놀라워요

With new horizons to pursue

새로운 지평선을 쫓아간채

(Every moment red letter)

매 순간 기념해요

I’ll chase them anywhere

나는 어디든 그들을 쫓아갈 거에요

There’s time to spare

시간은 여유있어요

Let me share this whole new world with you

이 새로운 세상을 당신과 함께 할 수 있게 허락해줘요


A whole new world

완전히 새로운 세상

(A whole new world)

That’s where we’ll be

저곳이 우리가 있을 곳

(That’s where we’ll be)

A thrilling chase

흥분되는 비행

(A wondrous place)

경이로운 곳

For you and me

당신과 나를 위한


